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Lecture 37 --- Lecture 38

Lecture 37 Final Examples




class Tree:
    >>> t = Tree(3, [Tree(2, [Tree(5)]), Tree(4)])
    >>> t.label
    >>> t.branches[0].label
    >>> t.branches[1].is_leaf()
    def __init__(self, label, branches=[]):
        for b in branches:
            assert isinstance(b, Tree)
        self.label = label
        self.branches = list(branches)

    def is_leaf(self):
        return not self.branches

    def map(self, fn):
        Apply a function `fn` to each node in the tree and mutate the tree.

        >>> t1 = Tree(1)
        >>> x: x + 2)
        >>> x : x * 4)
        >>> t1.label
        >>> t2 = Tree(3, [Tree(2, [Tree(5)]), Tree(4)])
        >>> x: x * x)
        >>> t2
        Tree(9, [Tree(4, [Tree(25)]), Tree(16)])
        self.label = fn(self.label)
        for b in self.branches:

    def __contains__(self, e):
        Determine whether an element exists in the tree.

        >>> t1 = Tree(1)
        >>> 1 in t1
        >>> 8 in t1
        >>> t2 = Tree(3, [Tree(2, [Tree(5)]), Tree(4)])
        >>> 6 in t2
        >>> 5 in t2
        if self.label == e:
            return True
        for b in self.branches:
            if e in b:
                return True
        return False

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.branches:
            branch_str = ', ' + repr(self.branches)
            branch_str = ''
        return 'Tree({0}{1})'.format(self.label, branch_str)

    def __str__(self):
        def print_tree(t, indent=0):
            tree_str = '  ' * indent + str(t.label) + "\n"
            for b in t.branches:
                tree_str += print_tree(b, indent + 1)
            return tree_str
        return print_tree(self).rstrip()
def bigs(t):
    """Return the number of nodes in t that are larger than all their ancestor nodes.
    >>> a = Tree(1, [Tree(4, [Tree(4), Tree(5)], Tree(3, [Tree(0, [Tree(2)])])])
    >>> bigs(a)
    def f(a, x):
        if ____________________________________________________:
            return 1 + ________________________________________
            return ____________________________________________
    return ____________________________________________________


def bigs(t):
    def f(a, x):
        if a.label > x:
            return 1 + sum([f(b, a.label) for b in a.branches])
            return sum([f(b, x) for b in a.branches])
    return 1 + sum([f(b, t.label) for b in t.branches])




John展示了另一种使用 nonlocal 语句来实现的递归的方法

















def smalls(t):
    """Return the non-leaf nodes in t that are smaller than all their descendants.
    >>> a = Tree(1, [Tree(2, [Tree(4), Tree(5)]), Tree(3, [Tree(0, [Tree(6)])])])
    >>> sorted([t.label for t in smalls(a)])
    [0, 2]
    result = []
    def process(t):
        if t.is_leaf():
            return __________________________________________
            smallest = ______________________________________
            if ______________________________________________:
            return min(smallest, t.label)
    return result


def smalls(t):
    result = []
    def process(t):
        if t.is_leaf():
            return t.label
            smallest = min([process(b) for b in t.branches])
            if t.label < smallest:
            return min(smallest, t.label)
    return result


Lecture 37 Q&A




(12 points) Function As Expected

Definition. For n>1 , an order n function takes one argument and returns an onder n1 function.

An order 1 function is any function that takes one argument.

(a) (6 pt) Implement scurry , which takes a function f and a positive integers n . f must be a function that takes a list as its argument. scurry returns an order n function that, when called successively n times on a sequence of values x1,x2,...xn , returns the result of calling f on a list containing x1,x2,...xn .

def scurry(f, n):
    """Return a function that calls f on a list of arguments after being called n times.
    >>> scurry(sum, 4)(1)(1)(3)(2)  # equivalent to sum([1, 1, 3, 2])
    >>> scurry(len, 3)(7)([8])(-9)  # equivalent to len([7, [8], -9])
    def h(k, args_so_far):
        if k == 0:
            return ________________________________________________________________________
        return ____________________________________________________________________________
    return ________________________________________________________________________________

(b) (6 pt) Implement factorize , which takes two integers n and k , both larger than 1. It returns the number of ways that n can be expressed as a product of non-decreasing integers greater than or equal to k .

def factorize(n, k=2):
    """Return the number of ways to factorize positive integer n.
    >>> factorize(7)  # 7
    >>> factorize(12) # 2*2*3, 2*6, 3*4, 12
    >>> factorize(36) # 2*2*3*3, 2*2*9, 2*3*6, 2*18, 3*3*4, 3*12, 4*9, 6*6, 36
    if _____________________________________________________________________________________:
        return 1
    elif ___________________________________________________________________________________:
        return 0
    elif ___________________________________________________________________________________:
        return factorize(_________________________________, ________________________________)
    return _________________________________________________________________________________


感觉是因为已经做过很多类似的题目,所以做b题时,很快就想到了 if 的几种情况,分别是 刚好相等整除得1,无法除,能整除,不能整除

def scurry(f, n):
    def h(k, args_so_far):
        if k == 0:
            return f(args_so_far)
        return lambda x: h(k - 1, args_so_far + [x])
    return h(n, [])
def factorize(n, k=2):
    if k == n:
        return 1
    elif k > n:
        return 0
    elif n % k != 0:
        return factorize(n, k + 1)
    return factorize(n // k, k) + factorize(n, k + 1)

John解答这题时说到b题第一种情况中 n == kn == 1 两个判断条件都可以,然后试了一下发现真的能通过


John提到scheme中也有类似python中 *args 的传入不定个数参数的方法,在定义函数时,可以使用 . args 的形式来获取所有的参数(可见于下图),然后 args 就会是一个链表


Lecture 38 Conclusion





...Yeah, and so the one thing I'd love to leave you all with is the idea that you don't just decide, "I'm gonna become a software engineer for life" or, "Oh, I'm gonna become a regulator for life." That's just not how it is. I mean, so many people take meandering paths in their lives where they do some of both. They understand the technology well enough that they realize, "Oh, their impact should be figuring out how to collaborate with government to regulate it in a way that has the right sorts of trade-offs."



Yeah, let me add one more thing too, John, and this is something you need to practice from a very young age, like right now, which is how do you talk to people who are not technical about technical things? There's always this language barrier between us computer scientists and our regulators and our lawyers. It's really good to get in the habit of thinking about how do you take these, in some cases, very complex things and explain them in honest and clear ways so that people can understand them, process them, and then reason about them properly.










Here's my spiel about life. You know, I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, but I wanted to remind you of a few things.

One is about freedom, which is that when you learn how to write software, then your skills are going to be in demand. There's no question about that. Lots of people are going to work with you. In fact, there are so many different problems to solve that we can't solve them all with the people that we've trained to do this kind of thing. So, that means that what you decide to work on actually influences what gets built in the world.

What you decide to work on will also influence your own experience. I think I've known a lot of people now in the tech industry, and the ones who make the most money are not the ones that seem most fulfilled or most happy to me. The ones that seem like they're very comfortable with their life usually have found something that they're good at, something that they enjoy, and it also happens to be something that matters to the world in some way. You know, if you find that combination, then great. So, when I say freedom, I mean you can choose what you work on. You don't have to just take the internship from the company that's got the flashiest website or the best reputation. There are lots of cool things to do out there, and you should be selective and search for something that is a good fit for you.



Yeah, I think that's exactly right, John. I think one of the greatest gifts in life is being able to wake up every day and do the things that you find fulfilling, that you're good at, that you're excited about. And, by the way, to boot, somebody's willing to pay you to do them. It's an incredible gift.

Thinking about what are you prioritizing? For some people, the priority is they want to make a lot of money. That's fine, that's a different choice. But think about what's going to be important to you. And here's the rub, by the way: What's important to you when you're 20, and when you're 30, 40, 50, and 60, it's going to be different. And I will tell you, I have a lot of friends who left grad school, made a lot of money on Wall Street, but when they turned 40 and started looking down the line at what's their legacy, it wasn't quite as good.

Whereas I can look at my legacy as an academic and interact with smart young people, trying to inspire and motivate them. You can feel really good about that. So try to think not just about what's today but also, you know, 10, 20, 30 years from now.



Yeah, exactly. And you might change course. You know, I didn't discover that I liked teaching until I tried it, which was when I went to grad school. I didn't do any of that in undergrad. So, if you haven't figured out the perfect thing for you yet, don't worry. But, make sure that you think about the kind of long-term implications of whatever you do commit to.

















Ah, what would be a good career path if someone were to want to go into law and policy regarding tech? Since, as John mentioned, they need someone who understands the law and tech side of things.

Yeah, that's a good question. A lot of the big companies these days are hiring people to work on policy. For example, there are people who are responsible for global policy, domestic policy. They often are lawyers, which is good in some ways, but I would like to see some more technologists there.

For me, I like people who, maybe instead of a CS major, they're a CS minor or, in addition to a CS major, they've also studied politics or economics or something in the social sciences where they can think about the implications of policies. I find historians really fascinating in this regard, political scientists who think about laws, for example, understanding that. But typically, it's that kind of dual career that is very useful.



Yeah, a lot of people I know who are really interesting and really effective, they know something really well, and then they know something else quite well. And by quite well, I mean not just like they've read a lot of New York Times articles about it, but like, you know, they've gone pretty deep.

So yeah, whether it's, you know, the software really well and the policy issues pretty well, or vice versa, you can be extraordinarily effective in either way, much more so than being like, "Yeah, just even more deep into policy but you don't understand the technology."













What, um, yeah, god, this is a tough question. I don't know that I have an answer, but I want to answer the question anyway. Um, what advice would you have for someone living at home for this year and feeling kind of detached from the university and academia?

Oh man, I gotta tell you, that question just breaks my heart because I know a lot of people are going through that. So I don't know if I have a good answer for you, but let me try a few things. Um, this will end. We will come out at the other end of this. And the one thing that I've learned, having been around for a few decades now, is when you're in the middle of a hard time like this, whether it's something like this global pandemic or it's family or it's work or it's a relationship or it's personal or it's health, when you're in the middle of it, it feels really bad. And it is, but you always come out the other end.

And in all of these cases, I will look back at it and will say to myself, you know what, I've come back from this, better, stronger, more mature. Um, and there will be positives that come from this. So for me, what I do is I try to think down the line, six months, nine months from now, we're going to be back, and will we be better for this? We will be, hopefully, better human beings, better societies, and we will learn how to work through hardships. It's a shitty answer, by the way, for what to do right now, but it's a more hopeful answer for what's downstream for you.









Yeah, we've got two minutes left. Maybe, um, since I started by talking about the final exam, I'll end with something related, which is a piece of advice that I got when I was getting married. So, I was a Ph.D. student at the time, and my mom pulled me aside on my wedding day and said, "John, I want to give you some advice." And I was like, "Oh, great. She's going to tell me to listen to my wife or whatever." But she didn't. She said only two words that have stuck with me for a long time. She said, "Don't compare." And then she was like, "Okay, you can go back to doing whatever you're doing."

At the time, this was very hard for me to process because I was in a university, which is all about comparing people based on, like, what their exam score was. And, you know, it turns out that out there in the world, there are no exams that everybody takes that are standardized anymore. All that matters is what you go and get done on your own particular path. So, comparing yourselves to other people becomes meaningless rapidly, as what really matters is what you can do yourself, like what you're capable of and what you bother to do and how you choose to spend your time.

But it took years of this two-word phrase, "Don't compare," to marinate inside of me, and for me to realize that my self-worth really has nothing to do with what other people can do and whether I can do it better than them or worse than them, and it has everything to do with what I've done and what I'm gonna do next, and how I spend my time to better myself. So, I should just focus on improving myself and forget about what everybody else is doing.

So, um, you're gonna go take a final, and a bunch of other people are gonna take this final exam too. But who cares? This course is not graded on a curve; it's just you doing your best work. So, I do hope you prepare, I do hope you get some good sleep and all of that, but at the same time, I don't think you need to worry about the histogram and how your friends are doing. Just help each other out and focus on yourself in the end.



That's incredibly beautiful, John. I want to say two things. First of all, I'm gonna go talk to my mother because I didn't get nearly such good advice growing up, so I'm gonna have a word with her. I want to re-emphasize this because this is something that took me a long time in life to understand - not to compare. There's a trap too that we fall into, which is that we compare, for example, how big our house is to that one friend, how much money we make to another friend, the kind of clothes we have to this friend, and how smart we are to that friend. We pick and choose these things, and that's, first of all, even doing that individually is meaningless. But also, it's a trap, and this is the problem with social media - you see these curated worlds of other people, and it's a trap. One of the great things about getting older (and you will get there, I promise you) is that you will realize it's a trap and it means absolutely nothing. It really is a very internal thing. What are you doing? Who do you want to be? How do you want to go through this world? How do you want to treat other people? At the end of the day, that, and almost nothing else, is going to matter. And you've got to just trust that it's going to be there.







