Lecture 13 Q&A --- Lecture 15 Q&A
Lecture 13 Q&A
John关于 min()
和 max()
的 key
...what's going on with the min function and its optional argument called key. sometimes what you want is to find the smallest number among a list, and min will do that for you. but sometimes what you want is to find a particular number that's extreme in another way, like it's not the smallest, it's not the largest, but it's the closest to five or it's the, it's the thing that when you square it is closest to 24, or you know you could imagine any kind of description, where there's like a some value, that would do this the best, and min allows you to find that element for any possible condition, and that's the point of that key function. so the way you do it is that, you start out with your same set of values, of which one is the one that you're looking for, and then you provide a function, and this function is going to be called on every single one of these values, and yeah, let's use that example of, uh, the square is as close as possible to 24. i don't know why you would want this, but maybe you would for some reason.
>>> min([3, 2, 5, 6], key=lambda x: abs(x * x - 24))
so what's going to happen here, is that it's going to square, and then subtract 24 from each of these, and then take the absolute value in order to get some measurement of how close is the square of this x to 24. and it tells us 5 is among these numbers the one that when you square it gets you pretty close to 24. in fact there's like an important property about this computation that's not shown, which is that 5 squared minus 24 is 1, and there's no 1 in this output, that's all hidden. what is happening is that, that 1 is computed along with the result of, squaring 3 and subtracting 24, and squaring 6 and subtracting 24. so it's done it for all of them, and then it has found the one, for which the result of calling this function is the smallest. why the smallest, because it's min. so in this way you can use min in order to find the, kind of extreme value for any notion of extreme that you want, but you always get one of these values. and if there's a tie, then you'll get an arbitrary one i think. you get the first one but i'm not actually sure...
>>> min([3, 2, 5, 6], key=lambda x: abs(x * x - 24))
两个列表在比较大小时,会比较第一个元素的大小( min()
>>> [3, 4, 5] > [3, 3]
>>> [3, 4, 5] > [4, 3]
>>> [3, 4, 5] > [3, 4]
>>> [3, 4, 5] > [3, 5]
Lecture 14 Circuits
Hany讲设计电路(Design Circuits)的内容中,构建命题逻辑公式的思路(step 1-3)值得学习
- step 1. build truth-table for all possible input/output values
- step 2. build sub-expressions with and/not for each output column
- step 3. combine, two at a time, sub-expressions with an or
- step 4. draw circuit diagram
- 先根据真值表写出子表达式
- 再将子表达式析取(or)到一起
a | b | c | d |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
上面真值表中高亮的c的1的输出值,需要的子表达式应为 c = a' · b
a | b | c | d |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
同理,这个高亮的输出值,对应的子表达式应为 c = a · b'
c = (a' · b) + (a · b')
...okay, remember how the sub expressions work, you treat each output column separately, the d and the e. output column are completely independent of each other. we're going to identify wherever there's a one, and then here here here and here. we're going to build a sub expression using only and and not, and then we're going to combine those sub expressions using the or operator. and then once we have the final expression, of course we're going to draw some circuitry...
- 变元多的时候可以多个变元合成一组,然后结合表格展示真值
- 写子表达式时的技巧,如由上图灰色区域,可以发现与a的取值无关,故可以写出子表达式
Lecture 14 Q&A
Lab 05 的 Q10
不使用 built-in zip function:
pythondef add_trees(t1, t2): result_label = label(t1) + label(t2) result_branches = [] i = 0 while i < min(len(branches(t1)), len(branches(t1))): b1, b2 = branches(t1)[i], branches(t2)[i] new_branch = add_trees(b1, b2) result_branches = result_branches + [new_branch] i = i + 1 result_branches = result_branches + branches(t1)[i:] result_branches = result_branches + branches(t2)[i:] return tree(result_label, result_branches)
使用 built-in zip function:
可以将多个序列中的元素同时提取出来,比如,a列表有5个元素,b列表有8个元素,则 将两者输入到 zip()
中,会得到一个含有a列表全部元素和b列表前5个元素的序列,序列中每个元素为a b列表中下标对应的元素(像上图中的一样)
重要的是可以使用 序列推导式,或者 for
语句(利用 zip()
>>> l1 = [1, 2, 3]
>>> l2 = ["a", "b", "c"]
>>> [[x, y] for x, y in zip(l1, l2)]
[[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']]
那么使用 zip
def add_trees(t1, t2):
result_label = label(t1) + label(t2)
result_branches = [add_trees(b1, b2) for b1, b2 in zip(branches(t1), branches(t2))]
result_branches += branches(t1)[len(result_branches):] + branches(t2)[len(result_branches):]
return tree(result_label, result_branches)
Lecture 15 Mutable Values
...so objects represent information, they consist of data and behavior bundled together to create abstractions. objects can represent things, but also properties of things, or interactions, or processes, they're an extremely general concept, anything that has attributes can be represented as an object. a type of object is called a class, classes are first class values in python, they can be passed in as arguments to functions. and objects are the heart of object oriented programming, which is an approached programming, that allows us to organize large programs using a central metaphor, that a large program is just one big thing, it's a bunch of individual objects, communicating with each other by sending messages back and forth.
的几个方法(每种数据类型下的数据都是一个对象,如 int
、 str
>>> a = 'A'
>>> ord(a)
>>> hex(ord(a))
suit[0:2] = ['heart', 'diamond']
并且,只有可变的类型才能这样:list 和 dictionary
All name thar refer to the same object are affected by a mutation
Only objects of mutable types can change: lists & dictionaries
可以使用列表切片去来 增添 或 删减 或 替换 列表中的元素
>>> list = [1, 2]
>>> list[4:6] = [4, 5]
>>> list
[1, 2, 4, 5]
>>> list[3:] = [6, 7, 8]
>>> list
[1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8]
>>> list[2:] = []
>>> list
[1, 2]
- 被逗号分隔的几个数据也会被认为元组(tuple) (可认为是省略了括号的元组)
- 用一个列表来调用 tuple 的构造函数,会得到含有相同顺序的相同元素的元组
- 逗号
可以位于元组的最后(应该也可以位于列表和字典的最后,之前有试过) - 第三点和第一点结合起来可以得到:
元组能作为字典的 key:
>>> {(1, 2): 3}
{(1, 2): 3}
>>> {(1, [2]): 3}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
- 可变对象可以通过 对象突变(Object mutation) 来改变值,也可以通过 Name change 来改变(应该是直接改变指向的对象),而不可变对象(如元组等)只能通过 Name change 来改变
- 如果不可变对象含有可变对象的元素,这个可变对象可以改变(个人认为,可以类比成c中的指针常量,指针本身不改变,但指向的值能改变)
恒等运算符(Identity Operators) is
方法,应该是传入一个列表(元组或许也可以?(试了,可以)),将列表中的元素依次添加到原列表尾部加法 和 切片 ,两者都会创建出一个新的列表,因此下图中
a[1] = 9
并没有使 列表s 的元素改变,但由于 列表a 的第三个元素是列表,同时也是 列表b 的第二个元素,因此通过 列表b 修改时,也会让原本的 列表t 改变list()
也可以),(如果传入的是一个列表)会构建出一个与原列表一样的新列表列表切片的赋值,可以对列表进行 添加(添的比删的多) / 替换(添的删的一样多) / 删减(添的比删的少) 操作,如下图中
s[0:0] = t
将t中元素加到(塞入)s的头部(0号位置)s[3:] = t
将4号元素删去,并在该位置 塞入 t中的元素
方法,传入一个参数,在列表中删去第一个跟传入参数相同的元素- 用切片赋值的方法去删除列表中的元素
t = [1, 2, 3]
t[1:3] = [t]
最终得到 t = [1, [...], 1, [...]]
的结果的原因,个人的理解:由上图中的环境图可以看到,列表中会有 无穷循环的指向 会一直后指向前再从前走到后,因此会得到 ...
Lecture 15 Q&A
切片赋值需要是一个列表(可能元组或者字符串 或其他*容器(container)*也行?),如上图中 s[0:0] = 5
会报错,应该写成 s[0:0] = [5]
good question. so why isn't it that t becomes an element of s, and the reason is that's just how slice assignment works. it's that it takes a container full of elements and it doesn't put that whole container in s, instead of puts the elements of that container in s.
...there's only t and this used to be three elements long, it's still three elements long, element assignment never changes the length of the list, it just changes what's in it. slice assignment is different, it changes the length of the list, it replaces an existing slice with some new elements.
...what you're going to do, is think about it this way, so on the left hand side with the slicing you say, grab those elements, throw them out, and then take whatever's on the right hand side, and shove them into the position, so they can be longer, shorter, it doesn't matter.
...but the more common reason is that, people are designing their programs so that they don't have to think about mutation back, when you could just describe every function by its domain range and behavior, life was easier. i'm not saying it was easy, there were plenty of like tricky recursion problems and stuff like that, but at least you knew that, if you called a function, the only thing you really have to worry about is what does it return, not what does it change. and if you use tuples everywhere, since they can't be changed, you kind of don't have to think about what does it change, you just have to think about what it returns, whereas if you're using lists everywhere, if you're not careful, the consequence of calling a function will be not only that it changes something, or that it returns something but also that it changes something, and that's like twice as many things to keep track of when you're writing a big program, and trying to understand how all the parts work, so that's like the main reason to have some immutable version of a sequence, is just to like make sure you write programs in such a way, that nothing can change anything else, except by passing in arguments and returning them.
it's it's called side effects, the thing that's scary when you call a function is there some side effect, that it that goes beyond just what was passed and what was returned it modified a list, and i, how did i, how do i know that, that how do i control that, and so the tuples are nice...so the tools are nice, because it's essentially like you're locking your data, right, it's giving you data security yeah.
Hany和John关于 类(Class) 和 对象(Object) 的区别的解释
(将 类 比作 蓝图 ,将 对象 比作 依据蓝图修建好的具体的房子)
so the question is what is the difference between a class and an object. the class is, so here's how i think about it, think about a blueprint for a house, is the class, and the house is the thing you build from the blueprint. okay so i can have a class date, um that is the sort of the definition of the data i'm storing, and the functionality of it, and then i can instantiate, i can create as many of those objects as i want, so they're essentially realizations of the thing that you've created, so the class is, just it's sort of like a definition, nothing exists, and then when you create an object, well now i can sort of do things with it. so there's a class of type list, and then i can define lists, i can define one list, two lists, 50 lists whatever i want, yeah.
yeah, and that analogy is nice because you can live in a house, but you can't live in a blueprint, like if you just have the class, you can't really do anything with it, until you construct one of the things that it describes, build the house and then you can go live.
and you can go live in it, right. and it's sort of like a function definition, right, you define a function, but doesn't do anything, it's just a definition, it just hangs out in the global frame somewhere, but then when you call it, ah now we're actually doing something.
所以问题是类和对象之间的区别是什么。课堂是这样的,所以我是这样想的 想想房子的蓝图,它就是阶级,房子就是你根据蓝图建造的东西。好的,我可以有一个类的日期,嗯,这是我存储的数据的定义,以及它的功能,然后我可以实例化,我可以创建我想要的任意多的对象,所以它们本质上是你创建的东西的实现,所以类是,它有点像一个定义,什么都不存在,然后当你创建一个对象时,现在我可以用它做一些事情了,所以有一类类型列表,然后我可以定义列表,我可以定义一个列表,两个列表,50个列表,我想要的,是的。